Meet Alex Oshmyansky Who Convinced Mark Cuban to Sell Drugs

After earning his doctorate and a medical degree, Dr. Alex Oshmyansky set off on a seemingly impossible quest: disrupt the pharmaceutical industry. Along the way, he was joined by a billionaire maverick. Meet the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company.

“A lot of us in healthcare see these problems, and we think about them,” Khandheria says. “What sets Alex apart is that he has the drive to act on it and ask, ‘What’s the next step on doing something about it rather than just complaining about it?’ ”

After meeting with Oshmyansky, I wasn’t surprised that he would earn the trust of an investor like Cuban, who has called Oshmyansky one of the most intelligent people he knows. He is laser-focused, with a mind that operates on a plane above, but he is welcoming and understated at the same time.


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