Mental Health and Brain Research Institute of Texas
(from left to right) Rep. John Kuempel, Chair of Committee, Kathleen Otto, Behnaam Aazhang, PhD, Eric Boerwinkle, PhD, Rep. Senfronia Thompson, Rep. Tom Craddick, Nadine Craddick, Joshua Shulman, MD, PhD and Andy Keller, PhD
The Texas House Committee on Higher Education heard testimony for HB15/HJR135 the Mental Health and Brain Research Institute of Texas (MBRIT) on Monday, March 20, 2023.
Funding the Mental Health and Brain Research Institute of Texas (MBRIT) is the right thing to do. It is an example of responsible government doing what is best for patients, the entire health system, and the State economy.
The cost of mental health and brain related diseases to our State is incalculable. MBRIT will improve the health of Texans while tackling the spiraling costs of mental health and neurological diseases.
If passed this legislation will once again mark Texas as a leader in advancing healthcare solutions and attract the best and the brightest to our State.